"A goal without a PLAN is just a wish"
If you use this tool it an help you make immediate or direct action.
The tool is self explanatory but i will explain how to use it. You can redraw my template into your notebook, diary or on a larger piece of paper and stick on your wall. So let's start by following the number order of the chart,
- What is your dream,? make this as big or small as you wish
- What is the goal that you are trying to achieve, this maybe something that you take from your dream
- Look at where you are now in terms of being able to achieve this goal, what is your position and how do you feel now about where you are in the scheme of things
- Now look at who can help you to achieve your goal. This maybe a person/s an organisation a service etc
- Look at how you can build on your strengths, the skills that you have already that can help you on your journey
- In order to move closer to your goal/dream what actions do you need to take over the next days, weeks or months. Break it down into realistic actions. Look at the people identified in step 4 to see where they will fit into your plan
- Put a realistic and achievable plan together for what you need to do over the coming weeks/months (remember this isn't set in stone and can be adapted depending on how your actions pan out.
- In order to achieve anything you have to start. So commit to taking the first steps.
Good Luck with planning and achieving your dream/goal and remember
"You don't have to get it perfect, you just need to get it started"...
Joe Schoeder